The US Forum will begin after Ms. Blumenthal-Lazan’s presentation. Members attending the US Forum will remain in the ballroom.
Welcomes and Introductions
Flag Salute
US Steering Committee Elections for 2024-26
*Please click US Forum Elections in the heading in order to read about the candidates.*
Or click on Connections, The Forum’s newsletter to read about the candidates.
Proposal of an amendment to the Operational Guidelines of the Forum, Article VIII, Section D, 1 (2017)
The United States Forum Steering Committee is proposing an amendment to the Operational Guidelines of the United States Forum.
Article VIII: Meeting and Events
Section D: The National Legislative Seminar
A National Legislative Seminar (NLS) is held in the Washington D.C. area in the even number years.
And Insert:
A National Legislative Seminar (NLS) is held during each biennium.
Rational for the change:
The United States Forum Steering Committee will have flexibility to plan and present a National Legislative Seminar (NLS)
Flexibility can defray the cost of in person meetings
Increase attendance by cutting expenses for participants.
Unexpected events ie Covid
The US Forum Report will cover the biennium 2022-2024 including
Online Fall Survey, 2022
Legislation and the Legislative Sub Committee
Mental Awareness Resolution and Bills in Congress and the Mental Health Sub Committee
NLS, March , 2024