The Final Stretch: The Last Quarter

The school year is in the last stretch, the last quarter, that last mile. It’s a time of continued learning, prepping for state exams, and reflections of the year. It’s a time to check off the goals met, chart the student’s progress, and reflect upon your own learning and growth as an educator.

What worked? What did not? Was there diversity and unity within the school community and within the studies? Was the learning relevant to your school community? Plus, how do you feel? Are you exhausted but filled with glee from the accomplishments you and your students have achieved this year. Much to think about and to share with others.

One way to share is to make plans to attend the International Convention at the Gaylord Hotel, National Harbor, Maryland, from July 9-13. You can register at

Once you are at the convention, schedule to attend the DKG Forum Sessions. All forums will meet for a presentation, and then the US Forum will have its own business meeting and elections for the US Forum Steering Committee, 2024-26. The candidate application is posted on,, and the DKG US Forum newsletter Connections. Look for emails from your regional representative. You may also email to receive the application via email. The deadline is May 31, 2024, to apply.

Don”t forget to plan for R&R, rest and relaxation in the summer so you can return refreshed in the fall.


Research and be in the Know:

Many government sites report voting results and the roll call vote

Some sites are: which links you to your state

States have their own websites as well, and most have similar websites such as for Georgia


Which Party fits you best: Check out the Party Platform on ballotpedia, wikipedia,,



73% of teachers report frequent job-related stress compared to 40% of other working adults.

27% of educators have symptoms consistent with clinical depression (compared to 10% of other adults)

Disrespect by reelect officials, parents and community, students and the media, bullying and threats contribute to stress and anxiety levels , as reported by over 30,000 educators.

Teachers reporting they are likely to leave their jobs has risen from pre-pandemic levels of 16% to over 25%; 57% are seriously worried about burn out.

Statistics have been gather from WHO and RAND.


  1. Educate themselves on the issues and needs related to mental health for educational staff through study, workshops, and other avenues

  2. Inform Members of current legislation related to mental health services for educators so that they may take appropriate actions;

  3. promote destigmatization of mental illness through dissemination of information on successful school-based treatment programs, supports and other resources; and

  4. engage in a wide range of activities that demonstrate emotional support for educators

The full resolution is included on the website and may be copied and presented at Chapter meetings and state organizations.


The new 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7, confidential support to people in suicidal crisis or mental health-related distress.

To learn more, visit

State legislation must provide for the care of educators and their well being. Check out what’s going on in your state. Please share, by sending your discoveries to Linda Perl at If you want your information to be shared on this website with by-line, please include the authority to do so in the email.

The US Forum proposes resolutions and advocates for legislation and change. The resolutions represent the needs and concerns for a healthy community including families, children, public servants and seniors and so many more. A healthy community is better for all. The past biennium the US Forum resolution highlighted the problems of bullying. Though bullying is still a concern, the mental health education and awareness resolution has been adopted this year.

2022-24 US Forum Steering Committee

As a DKG member, you may enjoy working on the newly adopted Mental Health Resolution. If so, please complete the contact form, and the US Forum Chair, Darlene Cook will reach out.

 Mental Health Resolution passed at US Forum Meeting on 7.16.2 in New Orleans

Resolution: On Recognizing Mental Health Issues for Educational Staff and Promoting Support Services

Whereas, the DKG mission is to promote educational excellence through actions that advance the professional interest of women in education and inform members of current economic, social, political and educational issues so that they may participate effectively in a world society; and 

Whereas, youth mental health issues have risen over the last decade to the point of having been declared “a national emergency”1 for which U.S. Surgeon General Admiral Murthy has called for “a swift and coordinated response” 2;  and     

Whereas, the current state of mental health among children, youth and educators in this nation imperils goals for educational excellence and the professional interests of women educators; and 

Whereas, mental health concerns are not restricted to students, though their needs are significant, but also impact school-based staff, administrators and school board members; and  

Whereas, school-based services account for the sole treatment to over 35% of adolescents diagnosed with mental health disorders3 and 70-80% of services to students of color,4 the youth mental health crisis has placed increased demands on educators, resulting in over two-thirds feeling emotionally exhausted and noting negative impact on job performance5; and

Whereas, COVID precautions, school closures, on-line teaching, cancellation of extra-curricular and motivational activities, and other pandemic related demands have placed tremendous stress on educators, with data showing 37% of educators have generalized anxiety disorder symptoms as compared to pre-pandemic levels of 12%6; and

Whereas, 73% of teachers report frequent job-related stress compared to 40% of other working adults and 27% of educators have symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of clinical
depression (compared to 10% of other adults)7; and

Whereas, only 6% of teachers received counseling support from their schools8 and only 16%
report school or district mental health benefits as adequate9; and

Whereas, gun violence in schools continues to place mental and physical stress on educational
staff (and students) with documented impact long after the actual tragedy resembling secondary traumatic stress and even post-traumatic stress disorder10; and

Whereas, the proliferation of misinformation and politicizing of curriculum decisions and instruction has led to a sharp increase in bullying, threats, assaults and other violence aimed at educators, administrators and school board officials11; and 

Whereas, the cumulative effect of mental health stress has caused a significant rise in the number of educators considering leaving the profession with 57% of educators seriously worried about burnout12 and 53% thinking more about leaving the profession than they did before the pandemic13; and

Whereas, the decline in the number of available educators will have serious negative impacts on student achievement and well-being for years to come; and

Whereas, legislation has been introduced in both houses of Congress to increase mental health supports for students (HR721/SB1841; HR1475/S1795; HR4198, HR3572/S1811), but none has addressed such support for educators;   

Therefore, be it

Resolved that the key women educator organization, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, U.S. Forum members (1) educate themselves on the issues and needs related to mental health for educational staff through study, workshops, and other avenues; and
Resolved that the key women educator organization, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, U.S. Forum members (2) inform members of current legislation related to mental health services for educators so that they may take appropriate actions; and

Resolved that the key women educator organization, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, U.S. Forum members (3) promote destigmatization of mental illness through dissemination of information on successful school-based treatment programs, supports and other resources; and

Resolved that the key women educator organization, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, U.S. Forum members (4) engage in a wide range of activities that demonstrate emotional support for educators;

Be it further resolved that the US Forum Steering Committee monitor implementation of the activities stated above and issue a report summarizing activities at the next US Forum meeting (2024).


1.      American Academy of Pediatrics, AAP-AACAP-CHA Declaration of a National Emergency
     in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, October 19, 2021. P. 2. . . .

2.       U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. “U.S. Surgeon General Issues Advisory on Youth
      Mental Health Crisis Further Exposed by COVID-19 Pandemic.” Press release, Dec. 7, 2021. P.1.
      mental-health-crisis-further-exposed-by-COVID-19-pandemic.html.  Viewed 2/23/22.

 3.      Golberstein, Ezra, Hefel Wen, and Benjamin F. Miller. “Coronavirus Disease 2019
                (COVID-19) and Mental Health for Children and Adolescents. Viewpoint. JAMA Pediatrics,
                September 2020, Vol. 174, #9.P. 819. Viewed  2/23/2022.

  4.     Ledbetter, Sislena.  Untitled. Western Washington University presentation to the Bellingham City
                Club, February 23, 2020.
5.       Miller, Mira. “Teachers are Experiencing a Mental Health Crisis, Too.  Verywellhealth.
                Updated January 25, 2022. P. 2.
       Viewed 2-25-2022.
6.        CDC Foundation. “Mental Health Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Teachers and
                 Parents of K-12 Students: Monitoring School COVID-19 Prevention Strategies Project:
                Triangulated Report.” May 2021. P. 17

7.       CDC Foundation. P. 17.
  8.      _____, “We Need to Do More for Teachers Who Are Exhausted, Stressed, and Burned   
     Out,” We Are Teachers, September 21, 2021. P. 1.  Viewed 2-25-2022
9.      Gerwertz, Catherine. “Teachers’ Mental Health Has Suffered in the Pandemic. Here’s
     How Districts Can Help.” Education Week, May 4, 2021.  P. 5.
      pandemic.  Viewed 2-23-2022.
10.     Smiley, Amanda. “Why School Wellness Isn’t Just for Kids: Many Teachers are Stressed
     and Depressed. February 7, 2020. P. 2.
     Wellness-Isnt-Just-For-Kids.  Viewed 2-28-2022.
11.     Smiley, p. 3
12.     Gerwertz. P. 3.
13.     CDC Foundation.  P. 18.

Conferences 2023

International Conferences Summer 2023 with US Forum Presentations

  • Michigan- Detroit at the Westin Cadillac- July 11-16

  • Arizona- Phoenix at the Sheraton Wild Horse Pass- July 18-22

Federal Education Updates: Check out what is happening at and track bills at,, &

Check out:

Keep an eye out for:

H.R.7780 passed the House Sept. 9, 2022: Mental Health Matters Act: Federal action to increase access to mental and behavioral health care. Various grants to increase the number of school-based mental health services provider and to requirements for high education institutions will be granted. On to the senate.

H.Res.225 and S. Res. 240: Affirming the role of the United States in improving access to quality, inclusive public education and improved learning outcomes for children and adolescents, particularly for girls, in the poorest countries through the Global Partnership for Education

H. Res. 1162: Expressing support for a whole child approach to education and recognizing the role of parents, educators, and community members in providing a whole child approach to education for each student.

H.Res.1295: Of inquiry directing the Secretary of Education to transmit certain documents to the House of Representative relating to the Department of Education ‘s cost estimate for the Secretary’s waivers related to public service loan forgiveness and income driven repayment

These bills cited above have been introduced and are in committee.

Passed both houses and signed by the President the original H.R. 2034: Requiring the Department of Education to forgive the outstanding balance of principal, interest, and fees due on federal student loans for eligible borrowers who meet certain income requirements. Eligible borrowers: 1. has an eligible federal student loan in repayment; 2. filed a federal income tax return for the most recent year; 3. is employed or was employed during the three year period immediately preceding March 1, 2020, and 4. meets income requirements

The next National Legislative Seminar will be March 10-13, 2024 Washington, D.C. at the Holiday Inn, Arlington. Free Shuttle from Reagan Airport. The US Forum Committee hopes you can attend and make a difference.

 NLS 2022 Participants

US Forum logo 2.png

Purpose of the United States Forum


It is important that all U.S. members become active and involved in the efforts of the U.S. Forum.  Each Society member in the United States is a member of the U.S. Forum at chapter and state levels and when attending regional conferences and International Conventions.  The four forums (Canadian, European, Latin American, and the United States) are included in the International structure to address the unique needs, through member participation, of the four Society areas.   The activities of the United States Forum have developed into meaningful efforts in many states.  Member participation, interest, enthusiasm and action have been hallmarks of the Forum since its inception. 


The U.S. Forum was established to enable the United States members to identify and select major educational issues upon which official U.S. Forum action could be taken.  At the national, regional, state, and chapter levels, it serves as a viable vehicle through which members may participate in efforts to make the purposes of the Society come to fruition through action.



Mission Statement of the United States Forum


The United States Forum seeks to serve the interests of members which reflect the purposes and mission of the Society.  Emphasis is on sharing information and ideas which explore solutions to common problems.



Definition of Forum


An assembly for the open discussion of current questions.  This method should not be regarded as a question and answer session, but rather a time for the audience to comment, raise and discuss issues and to offer information.  It enables the audience to express its ideas and opinions, thus continuously redirecting the discussion by the leaders to include the most relevant and expressed needs and interests of the group in its action planning.


Advocacy Statement


The U.S. Forum is dedicated to being an advocate for women, children, and education by implementing actions which enable change and improvement in social institutions, systems, legislation, and practices that impose hardships or impacts negatively on individuals, groups or families.




Stay updated with the US Forum Connection. Monthly issues on Federal Legislation that impact women, children and education.

  • US Forums will hold sessions at the 2 International Conferences next year: July 11-16, 2023: Detroit at the Westin Book Cadillac

  • July 18-22, 2023: Phoenix at the Sheraton Wild Horse Pass

Important links: by Bev Johns

US Forum on Facebook Visit the Capitol with virtual tours, classroom activities.

Highlight and copy the addresses and paste, until I learn how to activate the links directly. Very sorry for the inconvenience. I, Linda Perl, am a work in progress.

Operational Guidelines

US Forum Guidelines Revision :


An agenda.


(1) Includes election of the new Steering Committee as the first order of business.


(2) Presents activities and advocacy issues of the US Forum.


(3) Reports on the National Legislative Seminar.


d) Schedules a meeting of the newly elected steering committee prior to leaving the convention.


4) Requests a workshop time prior to the US Forum at the international convention.


2. Regional Representatives


a. Review all documents regarding the US Forum upon election, including its guidelines, its history, resolutions, and other information.


b. Encourage state presidents to appoint a state US Forum representative if none exists.


c. Make initial contact with state US Forum representatives and communicate at least monthly regarding issues and events.


d. Communicate the role and duties of Regional and State Representatives to the individual state US Forum representatives.


e. Encourage states to engage in projects that address issues identified by members at state meetings, international conferences, and international conventions.


f. Provide information about programs and events on the US Forum website, Facebook pages, and other social media.


g. Attend and participate in all meetings of the Steering Committee. Page 7 of 36 h. Plan and facilitate a US Forum at their respective international conference.


1) Collaborate with regional directors regarding any charges for room rent, audio-visual service, program description, and other details.


2) Clear all expenses, including speaker’s honorarium, with the US Forum Chair.


3) Conduct business and plan the program at the Forum.


4) Include information about the previous NLS.


5) Designate a recorder.


6) Recruit members to assist in session-related tasks.


7) Record attendees’ names and email addresses to broaden the network of US Forum participants for future events.


i. Recruit subscribers for the US Forum Connection.


j. Conduct a survey to determine issues that will drive the planning for the NLS and share the results with the Steering Committee.


k. Prepare and send the international conference report (Appendix D, Report Form for International Conference, page 22) to the Steering Committee Chair.


l. Participate in the planning and implementation of the NLS, US Forum, and US Forum workshop during the international convention.


m. Accept personal financial responsibilities associated with the position of regional representative. These responsibilities include registration and all expenses incurred for attending the international conference, the international convention, and the NLS.


Section C. Duties of Appointed Leadership Team Members


1. Vice Chair


a. Presides in the chair’s absence.


b. Assumes the position of Chair until the next election should the Chair becomes unable to complete her term.


2. Secretary


a. Records the minutes of the Steering Committee to include attendance, discussions, decisions, and announcements during committee meetings.


b. Submits a copy of the minutes to the Steering Committee within ten (10) days following the meeting.


c. Takes minutes at the US Forum at the international convention.


d. Takes minutes during the NLS unless the responsibility is pre-assigned to another member.


3. Treasurer


a. Serves ex officio without vote on the Finance Committee.


b. Maintains a bank account in the name of the US Forum and observes a fiscal year extending from July 1 to June 30.


c. Has signature authority on the bank account.


d. Maintains and submits quarterly and annual reports showing income, expenditures, and pending income or expenses to the Steering Committee.


e. Makes the financial records available when requested.


f. Submits a finance report to the Chair prior to each Steering Committee Page 8 of 36 meeting and each Forum.


g. Uses only US Forum checks that include the statement “This check is invalid after 60 days.”


h. Reconciles the bank statement and checkbook monthly.


i. Submits a balance sheet and income statement quarterly to all members of the Steering Committee.


j. Maintains a separate record of income and expenses associated with the NLS within the established accounting system.


k. Provides a financial report to the Steering Committee within one month of the NLS.


l. Submits all financial records for review by the Finance Committee at the end of each fiscal year.


m. Reimburses expenses of Steering Committee members as directed by the Chair.


n. Acquires and distributes credit cards to Steering Committee members.


o. Reports to the IRS as required and submits copy of report to the Chair.


p. Delivers all digital and print records to a successor within one month of the appointment of a new treasurer.


4. Editor, US Forum Connection


a. Publishes the US Forum Connection, a free monthly e-news periodical designed to inform members about legislation affecting education, women, and children. The US Forum Connection may not include content that readers may view as partisan politics, which might jeopardize the Society’s tax-exempt status.


b. Adheres to accuracy and impartiality in selecting and reporting legislation affecting education, women, and children.


c. Addresses relevant topics in the US Forum Connection.


1) Factual information and statistics regarding education, children, and the status of women educators


2) Contacts and phone numbers for legislators


3) Factual, impartial information encouraging members to stay informed and to vote


4) Updates on education-related topics


5) Updates of enacted legislation from The Congressional Record and other sources


6) Proposed legislation on issues affecting women, children, and education


7) Requested state-specific messages for certain legislative issues


8) Information promoting the NLS






9) News of US Forum activities during international conferences and international conventions Maintains a database of subscribers to the newsletter, including name, email, address, state, and state office held.


Maintains a listserv of subscribers for dissemination of the newsletter.


Page 9 of 36 5. Webmaster


a. Promotes the US Forum to meet Purpose 4 and Purpose 7.


b. Posts the following types of information:


1) Information from each regional representative to market the US Forum at international conferences and the international convention


2) US Forum forms


3) Information on the NLS, including the following:


a) Registration forms


b) Transportation and shuttle service


c) Pre-seminar instructions for setting appointments with legislators


d) Optional tours


e) Capitol Hill Day


f) Seminar documents


g) Information such as dress codes and restrictions for visiting the Capitol


4) US Forum brochure and fact sheet


5) Articles on issues


6) Resolutions supported by the US Forum


6) Surveys


7) US Forum logos for use by state Forum representatives


8) Any additional forms created by the Steering Committee


9) Election process


10) Operational guidelines








11) Issues of the US Forum Connection Promotes the website on social media.


Researches and recommends a web site provider in collaboration with the Chair.


Manages the Facebook page.


1) Posts information on the Facebook page to drive members to the US Forum website.


2) Encourages US Forum members to post and promote legislative issues.




3) Sends information to Steering Committee for review before posting. Informs Steering Committee of updates to website.


6. Registrar, National Legislative Seminar (NLS)


a. Preparation for NLS


1) Collaborates with Steering Committee to design registration form.


2) Works with webmaster to post the registration form and information on website and Facebook.


3) Promotes the NLS to state US Forum representatives, state presidents, past NLS attendees, and others.


b. Registration Responsibilities for NLS


1) Emails registrants to acknowledge receipt of their registration.


2) Deposits checks into the US Forum account.


Page 10 of 36 3) Answers registrants’ questions and directs them to appropriate information sources.


4) Informs Steering Committee of registrants and progress.


5) Creates nametags and meal tickets for participants.


6) Relays final count and meal count to Chair and regional representatives.


7) Informs Chair and/or designee of special needs and accommodation requests.


8) Shares NLS registration information with treasurer and Steering Committee.


9) Presents Chair with list of participants by state and region including emails, contact numbers, and addresses to include in seminar materials.


10) Sends roster of participants to seminar registrants.


11) Sets up and maintains registration table.



Contact Us

Contact us regarding Federal Legislation that affects women, children and education.